Customer Experience
Enhancing the experiences of customers and personalizing the purchasing process.
Improve customer experience
Because of the rapid shift toward digital commerce, it is critical to provide superior customer service by personalizing the purchasing process and improving the overall customer experience.
IBS provides experience in installation from beginning to finish so that you can quickly achieve the full potential of your SAP CX platform, which will result in an increase in revenue and the acquisition of new customers.
The satisfaction of customers should be a top priority for businesses that want to thrive. SAP C/4HANA is the company’s fourth-generation in-memory customer experience suite. It was developed to manage the transition away from traditional CRM systems that focus primarily on sales and toward an approach that is centered on the customer. It links to the digital heart of SAP S/4HANA and provides businesses with the ability to observe in real time what their consumers desire.
- Boost the number of conversions and consumer interactions.
- Capabilities and a strategy based on omnichannel
- Collaborative Work and the Generation of Social Leads
- 360-degree Customer View
SAP Customer Experience Differentiators:
- Intuitive Consistency for Users
- Services for the Entire Business Process
- Analytics and intelligence software suite
- Platform services that can be easily extended and integrated
- Systemic Exposure